The role of municipalities in ensuring stability
Feb 2018, Forced Migration Review
This article analyses the upheavals and crises around the situation of refugees in the Bekaa valley in 2017, and argues that better coordinated and targeted support to Municipalities is a key element of ensuring stability of the Bekaa valley, in particular as regards relationships between refugees and the host community.
Humanitarian Evacuations in the Central African Republic
Sep 2014, Humanitarian Practice Network
This short article explores the difficulties and the – often false- dilemmas surrounding humanitarian evacuations of Muslim communities threatened by Anti-Balaka militias in the Central African Republic. It explores in particular the controversial evacuation of the PK-12 Muslim enclave in Bangui.
Durable solutions for returning refugees and internally displaced persons: making the most of the Secretary General’s decision
Oct. 2013 – Unpublished
This contribution draws some lessons from the initial application of the UN Secretary General’s Policy Committee decision on durable solutions for IDPs and refugees, and notably argues that the concepts of durable solutions for IDPs and reintegration of returning refugees should be merged under the same planning mechanisms.
Prevention of forced displacement: the inconsistencies of a concept
Apr 2010, New Issues in Refugee Research, UNHCR
The article explores the concept of “prevention of forced displacement” as part of protection programming and advocacy in the field. It argues that due to its internal inconsistencies, it is not a good basis for policy and that it should be subsumed into wider protection of civilian population in armed conflict.
Participatory Capacity Building in Action in Colombia
Jul 2007, Forced Migration Review no. 28
This contribution is a description of a field experience of designing a local integration intervention for IDPs in southern Colombia. It tries to demonstrate the impact of participation in empowering grassroots IDP associations and advocates for the adoption of participatory approaches in durable solutions.
Conflicto, procesos de paz y soluciones durables al desplazamiento: una perspectiva comparativa
Destierros y desarraigos: memorias del II Seminario Internacional: Desplazamiento: Implicaciones y retos para la gobernabilidad, la democracia y los derechos humanos
This article compares the political implications of forced displacement in Bosnia, Guatemala and Colombia and their implications for peace processes.
Réfugiés et personnes déplacées en Azerbaïdjan
Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, 20 | 1995, 284_306
An exploration of the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh and its humanitarian consequences in Azerbaijan.